
New Year’s Resolutions for Landlords

With the New Year approaching, our minds are buzzing with resolutions to make 2018 a great year. As a landlord, there are a few goals you can set yourself to boost the chances of having a seamless and profitable year ahead. Take care of outstanding maintenance before the financial year’s end Plenty of properties have…

Tis the Season for Disasters

As Australia enters the disaster season, landlords and Property Managers should make sure they are ready should Mother Nature unleash her wrath. The image of an Aussie summer might be beaches and barbies, sunsets and seagulls stealing chips, but the reality is that as the weather warms up, so  does the chance of natural disasters…

Spring cleaning your investments

Spring is upon us, and while the warmer weather and brighter days bring a smile to everyone’s faces, as a landlord, it’s time to get busy on your investment property. A little spring maintenance done now can make all the difference to both your hip-pocket and your tenant in the hot months to come! Inside…

SMSF property investment – is it for you?

Self-Managed Super Funds (known as SMSFs) are increasingly popular among  Australians, with statistics identifying that four new SMSFs are created every hour. The key benefit of a SMSF is that investors have total control over their finances, making all investment decisions for their fund. Using an SMSF to buy property is an attractive option, but…

Clean now, save later

While property managers make it clear to tenants that they must clean their leased property to a high  standard before they vacate, condition reports do allow for inevitable wear and tear on a rental property after long leases and multiple tenants. A property can appear to be scrupulously clean at first glance, but the natural…

Landlord Insurance

Do you have adequate cover? As property managers, we advise our landlords to secure Landlord Insurance to ensure they are protected from financial risk, however selecting a Landlord Insurance policy and provider that offers adequate cover is the landlord’s responsibility. Making an informed decision can be easier said than done. Property investors in Australia are…