Category: Property Management

Clean properties attract the best tenants

What is the best way to attract the best possible tenant for your property? • A property can never be too clean especially bathrooms and kitchens. The best prospective tenants are notoriously picky on the cleanliness test, especially focusing on carpets if the family market is your main target market. • Letting light into a…

The Business in Being a Landlord

Being the owner of an investment property is similar to running a small business. There are rewards as well as risks and it is very important to maintain good records for administrative purposes. The biggest mistake many property investors make is not keeping up with regular maintenance. In the long run this is counter-productive. Unkept…

Landlord basics: how do bonds work?

A rental bond is a sum of money – usually equating to four to six weeks’ worth of rent – paid by tenants upon commencement of their tenancy agreement. It provides financial security for the landlord in the event that a tenant breaks any clause of the rental lease, which could include damage to the…

Tips to Boost Rental Yield

Securing strong rental yields from rental income should be the strategy of many property investors. Strengthening this further does not always have to wait until market conditions improve. Here are a few tips to consider: Adding security – ensuring that doors and windows have good key locks, and even adding a security alarm provides peace…

Is Your Investment Property Ready For Winter?

With winter just around the corner now is the time to ensure both your investment property and your home are adequately prepared. The following checklist will help you tick off the most important areas to consider. Insulation – ensuring your home is well insulated and protected from draughts will not only make for happy comfortable…